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Short-Term Rentals

Hotels, Inns, and Bed and Breakfasts have long been subject to regulations necessary for maintaining high standards that address guest safety, satisfaction, and the continued growth of the lodging industry.

How your state handles short-term rental regulations will depend on whether your state follows the doctrine of “Home Rule” or “Dillon’s Rule.”

ALP welcomes short term rentals as a growing sector of the industry.

Examples of how some states and localities are approaching STR regulations: State Summaries

(California,  Louisiana,  Maryland,  Michigan,  Minnesota,  Puerto Rico,  Tennessee,  Virginia)


Taking Action

The following sample/template letter may be sent to the appropriate legislator or local official when addressing short-term rental issues. If you are aware of specific details in your community related to the short-term rental issue, you may want to incorporate those into this letter, thereby strengthening your position.

Sample Letter Download Now

To use the letter, click the "Download Now" link. It will download the file in Microsoft Word. You can then edit the text in red to customize the letter.

ALP recommends the following standards apply to all lodging: 

  • Compliance with local, regional, and state laws.
  • Comply with all applicable building codes and health and safety standards.
  • Require licensing/registration with appropriate state and local agencies.
  • License number must be displayed on the property and any online promotion.
  • Collection and remittance of all appropriate taxes due, including transient occupancy tax.
  • Proof of ownership and liability insurance as per industry standards.
  • All 3rd party agents must have written permission from owners to manage the property.
  • Reasonable penalty and sanction provisions for noncompliance.

ALP Lodging Standards 

For property owners that feel they are faced with unfair competition by those that do not adhere to the above standards ALP offers the following information

1.The first step for members seeking help is to review and understand codes that regulate these uses in their community.

Included in locality codes (laws) are provision for planning departments which help with the creation of land use zones. A zoning system can ensure that tourism (transient lodging) activities take place at a sustainable level that maximizes benefits and limits negative impacts. 

2. Review best practice examples of success to require standards for all STR properties.

3. Write (list) down regulations you would like to see enacted.

4. Engage similar lodging properties and neighbors for support.

5. Speak to local and stated elected officials


Website Tools

Members of Congress contact information

State and regional codes 

Go to this site:
Click on your state
Go to your locality (if listed)
Type Short term rental in the box.

Please provide us with your key lodging issues and concerns.


This information is not intended, or should be taken, as legal advice